
Thank you for your interest in booking Ev. Matt

We have provided FAQ and our booking form below for your convenience

To request that Ev. Matt Antis come to your church, we require a head pastoral invitation. Please see the form below for all required information to be prayerfully considered. Completing this form will also help us to provide you with as much information as possible.

Typically, Ev. Matt Antis will preach one week of Revival Meetings consisting of one Sunday morning service, one Sunday evening service, and an evening service Monday-Friday. Recently, Ev. Matt Antis has been doing weekend services as well. The schedule for a weekend of services typically consists of Friday, Saturday evening services as well as Sunday morning/Sunday evening services. When you request to book him using the form below, you will be asked to provide at least 3 different weeks that could work for your schedule. 

Our ministry does not charge any fee. We cover all of our own expenses, including all travel, and only ask that we are able to take a love offering during each service.

Booking Form

Please list three different dates that would work for your schedule